Sunday, August 11, 2013

I Need A New Name

I used to rant all the time.  There were plenty of things to rant about when I started this blog in 2010.  The ridiculously named Affordable Care and Patient Protection Act, which was obvious to those of us who read it even in draft form, neither affordable nor protective, created an atmosphere in which ranting was not just easy but necessary. 

Other issues came and went and came again... four dead Americans while the President blamed bad you-tube videos and gave new names to all of the witnesses so the press couldn't find them... little tea party groups, like the one I worked with, were systematically denied tax-exempt status by the, errr, uhm, aaah, system.  I found it suspicious that I would have a computer virus issues whenever I accessed government data, but that's nothing compared to what James Rosen, The Associated Press, Fox News, Andrew Breitbart, and Michael Hastings went through.

But ranting is tiresome.  I don't feel like ranting. 

I feel like hunkering down and trying to figure out what to do when the crazy liberals are out of office.  I count my bags of sugar which I hope will still be good when the barter system returns.  I spend fruitless hours looking for a second job.  I teach my son, and prepare for the next semester at the job I have.

But Ranting isn't really what I'm doing.  I need help.

Here's the only idea I've been able to come up with:

"Formerly Ranting Catholic Mom;  Not Kinder or Gentler, Just Quieter"

You can see why I'm asking for help.  Leave suggestions in the comment box.

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